TMJ Disorder Symptoms

man holding his jaw with TMJ disorder pain

If you’ve been experiencing regular jaw pain, headaches, popping and clicking, or other disruptions in the normal working of your jaw, you may have temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. While TMJ pain sometimes goes away on its own, other times it requires dental treatment to resolve symptoms and eliminate your pain. Today, we want to discuss some of the common symptoms of TMJ disorder as well as share some of the ways our team can help!

What Is TMJ Disorder?

TMJ disorder covers a wide range of issues with the normal function of your jaw joint. Typically, your jaw joint should move front to back and side to side smoothly, without popping, clicking, or locking. However, those with TMJ disorder may experience difficulty talking, eating, and performing other normal tasks due to an improperly functioning jaw joint.

What Causes TMJ Disorder?

There are several causes of TMJ disorder. Some people are more likely to develop TMJ disorder due to misalignment issues with the jaw. For others, TMJ pain is the result of trauma to the head or arthritis. Still others may experience TMJ pain when stressed because they grind their teeth at night.

What Are Common TMJ Symptoms?

TMJ symptoms can range from annoying to severely painful. Minor TMJ disorder can cause tenderness in the jaw, difficulty opening or closing your mouth, and other pain in the area. TMJ disorder may also be responsible for earaches, headaches, and facial pain.

TMJ Disorder Relief at River Vista Family Dental

If you believe that you are experiencing TMJ symptoms, our team can help. Our first step will be to determine the cause of your TMJ pain. Then, we will come up with an individualized treatment plan designed just for you. We may recommend an oral appliance or orthodontic treatment to help ease your pain and allow you to use your jaw normally. To ask our team any questions or to schedule your next visit to our office, call us today!

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